Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Whose Righteousness?

Whose righteousness do we seek and even rely on?
  • Our own?
  • Political parties/members/government?
  • Spiritual leaders?
  • Professionals?
  • Activist leaders?
  • Even the human race?
There's just one VERY BIG problem. Everyone is falliable. Every single one of us, no matter, how much schooling we've had, how soft our heart is, how important we are in society, how much we donate, how many selfless acts we carry out,... 

Falliable: capable of making mistakes or being wrong. (Google).

There is only One Who is infalliable. God our Maker. 

Infalliable: incapable of making mistakes of being wrong. (Google).

Matthew 6:33-34 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. NKJV

There is self-righteousness. 
There is righteousness in the eyes of man. 
But verse 33 clearly reads that we are to seek His righteousness.

When our world is in chaos; Whose Righteousness do we seek? His!

How do we seek God's Righteousness? 

The answer is relationship - we seek God Himself. 

which is YHWH Tsidkenu in Hebrew. Jeremiah 23:6, 33:16.

Worship, reading the Word, praise, prayer time, writing to Him...
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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Carrying God's Vision

Let's look at some people, from the times in the Bible, and even one in more recent years, who carried God's vision, from conception, to birth. 

Mary, the mother of Jesus

Mary listened to the word of God, that was given her. Luke 1:26

There's a verse that I have proclaimed many times in regards to my new land (that which I feel that God has shown me), being Luke 1:45 Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. NKJV.

When I continue to proclaim these things that I believe has been told me by the Lord, then I am on my journey to eventually arrive at the birthing stage.  

We find the announcement to Mary made in Luke 1:26-38. The words Mary spoke (verse 38) are so very important. She was aligning with the word of God. She aligned. She believed. And, in time, she delivered. 

When the shepherds came and shared what they had seen and heard, all those who heard it marveled. Luke 2:8-20. 

And what did Mary do? 
Kept all these things and pondered them in her heart (vs 19). 

Mary kept all these things which were told her, in her heart and thought about/reflected on them. In the very early days of her pregnancy (before showing signs of being pregnant) she kept that word from God alive. She carried God's vision. 
File:Mary and Joseph seeking refuge in Bethlehem - Simon de Vos ...


Now let's look at Noah. Both Mary and Noah kept a vision that was told them, alive, even before they started to manifest. 

Noah is advised to make this MASSIVE ark of gopher wood to God's exact blueprint. It is to house all those who decide to walk up that plank (open door), plus a remnant of the WHOLE animal kingdom. Wow!!! 

So what did Noah do, even though there was no rain on the nightly weather forecast? 

He carried God's vision and set about to build what God had given him the blueprint for. Even if he and his sons had hired help, it still would have taken quite a time to build. And then on top of all this, they didn't have a boat trailer! And what about all the different kinds of animals that had to board and get settled in. And don't even mention the gathering of all the food. 

We've got to put aside our 'this isn't possible' human earthly way of thinking, for anything to manifest on earth. Luke 1:37.  
Noah's Ark Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures
Moses had to carry the vision of God's people being set free from slavery and bondage. 
Joshua had to carry the vision of entering the Promised Land.
And, of course, there have been so many others.

What are some of the things that we need, to carry a vision:

  • Remembrance: Don't put it away; keep it out and in view. Be creative 'to see it to pray it'. Paint or draw it and place it in a photo frame and put it in a prominent place, or Keep a note in your Bible (perhaps even your own hand-made bookmark with the vision either written on it or drawn/painted on it). Have it come up on your phone/computer/laptop (or any other device) regularly as a prayer reminder. Or if you're like me, have an old-fashioned notebook kept on my bedside table. 
  • Prayer: This is closely related to 'remembrance', but it's the actual action of praying it in, not just the remembering of a vision. For example, let's say God reveals to you that you'll be working with teens, then you could pray regularly in alignment with this, to have it manifest. A prayer of declaration could be something like: Dear Father, I declare the words in Luke 1:45 in regards to what you have revealed to me regarding working with teens. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.  
  • Courage: Let's look at someone who hid her son for three months, and then placed him in an ark of bulrushes in the reeds by a river's bank. Exodus Chapter 2. This mother's name is not even mentioned in this passage of scripture, but she was a very courageous woman. Not just courageous for hiding her son, but even more so, for letting her son go so that he could live.
  • Persistence: It takes persistence not to give up when things don't come easily. 
  • Perseverance: It takes perseverance not to give up when things don't come easily or quickly.
  • Sacrifice: Let's look at Hannah. Hannah gave up her firstborn, for God's ministry. We too often have to make sacrifices, to carry God's vision. It may be, our wants, our desires, our ambitions, our time, our plans, our ...
Someone of more recent times in history: 

Harry S. Truman 33rd President of the United States of America

Credit: The Jerusalem Post